
We’ve got a treatment
that’ll fit perfectly



Reiki is a healing modality using energy that can be effective both in-person, with the practitioner’s hands laid on or close to the body, and over distances. Reiki can bring stress-relief and relaxation and also encourages healing by balancing a person’s own energy. Reiki healing is a safe and gentle, noninvasive way to feel better mentally, physically, and emotionally. That is why at Reiki For All, we have a special complementary offer of a free consultation and your 1st session is free. In your consultation, you will be able to freely express yourself to our qualified and licensed therapists, who will attentively listen to all your complaints and come up with the best and perfect plan that suits your needs.

Here’s How Reiki Can Help:

  • Reiki sessions can Increase relaxation, offering treatment in a safe calming soothing atmosphere.
  • Enhance sleep by bringing your body systems into alignment.
  • Help decrease depression and anxiety leading to a more satisfying life.
  • Improve digestion and all body systems to improve the body’s ability to heal itself.
  • Reduce pain and aches by releasing the blockages that trap them.
  • Provide balance to all the systems in the body, which strengthens immunity and lessens stress.
We recommend 3-4 Reiki treatments (35 mins, 60 mins or 90 mins)
within 3-6 weeks in order to get the best results.

REIKI FOR ALL Practitioners

All practitioners are newly registered Reiki practitioners who have conducted less than 500 hours treatment but possess their own natural healing ability. They all hold insurance and are ready to help healing others.

Here’s what you can expect from Reiki For All

Once you register for a Reiki treatment, you’ll receive a welcome email and our e-brochure. One day prior you’ll receive a text with a link to our studio, reminding you of your appointment. Prior to your treatment you’ll have an opportunity to ask any questions, including about the process of Reiki and the outcome you can expect from your session. You may also choose an essential aroma oil (for relaxation). This enhances relaxation. Relaxing music and a calm beautiful, wonderful smelling treatment room ensures your Reiki session will have the greatest chance of producing long lasting results. Following your session, you can enjoy complimentary tea or water. We encourage you to visit our active Facebook page to learn fun facts about Reiki as well as our Facebook competition to win a free session equivalent to your prior visits. After your Reiki session with Reiki For All we’ll follow up to check to see if you are happy with your results.

Reiki For All – Healing Treatments

Your FIRST Reiki For All session is complimentary, yes, that’s right,
completely FREE!

Complementary Session

35 minute treatment includes 10 mins consultation followed by 25 mins treatment

Treatment Menu

One of the following treatments will be perfect for you

Just Reiki Individual treatment


Just Reiki Package

*3 sessions to be completed within 6 weeks
We recommend to have 3-4 Reiki treatments (35 mins, 60 mins or 90 mins) within 3-6 weeks in order to gain the best outcome.

Contact Reiki For All today and let’s get you feeling good!